Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Zan Coin - a consulting firm that works with the payment of our independent developers

What is ZAN Coin

They are a Consultant Company that employs Free Software Developers to work on certain projects that exist for them. Instead, ZAN Coin pays their Freelance Software Developer for the services provided on each project. With various "Freelancers" abroad, located / residing in different countries, it places obstacles on the way for ZAN Coin to make timely affordable payments to their many "Freelancers". So they agree, unite their minds to create solutions to the problems they face with their existing models, structures, and business procedures. As we know, for any company to remain successful, they must adapt to an ever-changing environment, create solutions to existing problems, and always reduce expenses to own / run a business. To solve this problem, they come together and create solutions to the problems they face. So, create a ZAN Coin.

With ZAN Coin, we look forward to solving technical problems and delivering four key benefits :
  • Dividends from each product sale
  • Faster payments to developers
  • Increase employee motivation
  • Resell option
Dividends from each product sale. They will take over 50% of product sales, pay developers and coin holders in ZAN Coin. All ZAN Coin owners receive dividends paid on ZAN just to hold the coins. They are paid "proportionally" in ZAN, on the participation of current investors from ZAN, when dividends are paid.

ZAN Coin is a real project that solves real problems every day with a mature solution. Using Ethereum Blockchain and ERC20 technology, ZAN Coin will put an end to their problems and create a timely payment system

Solution from Zancoin

Protecting Investor Interests Once we start working with ZAN Coin, we will soon pay our developer tokens for our existing projects. You can decide if you want to save or redeem tokens as an investment from your own work. On the other hand, every sale of our products is converted to tokens and distributed equally among our ZAN coin holders.

Buyback options are one way to keep coins in circulation and protect their growth. We produce software solutions sold separately to a large number of customers. Each sale generates revenue converted to ZAN coins by purchasing from the current owner or using our backup. Total revenue is then separated by 50% for the company and 50% for each token holder. This will generate residual income for owners who help improve our business and developments

Our destination

Make Everyone Successful

Our main goal is to generate growth for our business, but that also means growth for our developers, for our investors, and for the value of ZAN Coin itself.

Our investors will improve our development. Our developers will increase our sales, and our sales will return as earnings for everyone who holds ZAN Coin in their wallets. So everyone is a winner as we grow.

Sales token
How to buy our tokens

How ZAN Tokens Will Be Divided

  • 70% - Distributed to Investors
  • 15% - Founder and Team
  • 10% - Affiliates and "Bounty" campaigns
  • 5% - Reserve
We offer the majority of Zan Coins to the community during the sale of our tokens. Some will be saved for payment and initial rewards, but 70% will be made available to the community to ensure all stakeholders can take part in project success.

Specifications ZAN Coin
  • Ticker -
  • Contract Address ZAN - 0xbef51888af40d73db76a7716c98bdfe979040f8d
  • Decimal - 18
  • Plate-forme - Ethereum
  • Type - ERC20
How to buy ZAN Coin
  • Currently, the only way to buy ZAN Coin is their ICO. ICO begins May 15, 2018.
  • In presale: 1 ETH = 1500 ZAN, pre-sale ends on May 22, 2018
  • Round 1: 1 ETH = 1200 ZAN, end time, must be determined
  • Round 2: 1 ETH = 900 ZAN, end time,
  • To recommend 5% to determine: Users can view their referral link on the user's profile page.
  • ZAN Coin: 17.148.385
ZAN coin distribution
  • Distribution of investors 70% : 12,003,870 pieces
  • Affiliates and Bounty - 10% award :
  • Founder 1 714 838 pieces - 15% allotment : 2 572 257
  • Reserve - 5% allocation : 857,419

How It All Starts and Where We Are Leaded

  • February 2017 - Start First Project
We launched our initial project and our first product was created. We sold the rights entirely to a company that bought it with the intention to sell it.
  • August 2017 - Initiation of Our Second Project
This time we started working on our own product which we considered selling ourselves. This is when we were faced with the issue of the freelancer payments
  • November 2017 - Registration of ZANFAU Ltd
We registered our new company with the idea of gathering a team and tackling problems. At this point in time, we also started completing our first sales.
  • January 2018 - Token Design and ICO Plans
We designed the token and put forward the idea of a new payment system for our developers. In the process, the idea for dividends is cropped up as well.
  • May 2018 - First Payments to DEVS
In early May, we are planning to make the first payments to our developers in ZAN Coins
  • July 2018 - Sales and Dividends
We have another product in the pipeline and it is scheduled for release in July. Our intention is to convert the sales into ZAN coins and start distributing the profits accordingly
  • December 2018 - Buy-Back Initiation
By the end of the year, we will start buying back tokens in order to have sufficient to pay for upcoming projects. Buying back to pay to developers will close the circle and help improve the value of Zan coin.

The Brains Behind It All

Our Motivated Team

Foundation of Our Success

Our Advisory Board

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
Article Writer : SyiefaQhollby98
BitcoinTalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1407600
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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