Jumat, 18 Mei 2018


Hallo users crypto wherever you are, easy-easy han you in good health all amen. This time I will explain about Anonym social media project.
Right now, there is a social media platform that does not need our data even we do not need to write anything, just alias or nickname, city (which can be filled at will), email and password to login. In addition, we can also download and install on our android phone so we do not need to use a laptop or computer.
The name of this social media platform is ANONYM. As the name implies, we want to hide our personal identity so we can surf the social media freely and no more often annoying ads.
Anonym is a friendly atmosphere, where you can enter without regular registration. Anonym is an opportunity to join a closed community of over a million interesting people around the world.
Why do we use ANONYM?
There are several reasons we use ANONYM, namely:
• Freedom of expression. 
You have the right to think and voice your opinion no matter what.
• Warm situation. 
The opportunity to confide the most intimate secrets.
• No registration required when using confidential information.
• No ads. We will not be disturbed by the number of ads that appear.
• Global level. There are now many active users of the Anonym network from US, Germany and CIS countries.
• Advanced interface. Blockchain Technology, VR Technology and the application of neural networks for communication.
• Security. Personal data storage and closed access system during registration.
• Income. A monetization system for active network users so we can also earn extra income using this social media.
• Proper moderation. The system finds malicious content with the word "stop" fixation method without revealing the user's personality.
  • The Token holder has a 50% discount on all digital content from the Anonymous system.
  • The token of the Anonymous system is traded on Cryptocurrency exchange.
  • The team committed to spend 30% of its net profit to buy X2 tokens from market value to keep the market value volumes steady.
You have purchased 1000 Anonуm (abbreviation - Anm) at exchange rate 1 Anm = 0.8 $ 
Total: You have purchased 1000 Anm worth $ 800 
This system generates bonus invitations only for token holders totaling 1000 and more Anm. 
Token invitation value ratio: 
1 invite = 100 tokens 
1000 Anm will generate 10 invites 
1000 Anm = 10 invites 
1 invite = from 20 $ to 50 $ at exchange rate Domestic 
10 invitations = from 200 $ to 500 $ monthly (at the same time the token does not disappear but the invitation is generated once a month.)
We sincerely want people to have such a place where they can claim they are not afraid of public reaction, unashamedly because of the generally accepted framework.
There everyone will be able to find answers to all questions and, most importantly, find themselves again.
Anonymous - be yourself!
TEAM ANONYM1_gq9zBhwr3Z9KQRLbnS6grQ.png

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Article Writer : SyiefaQhollby98
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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