Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

OVERVIEW ICO Dating With Benefits

Innovative technologies on the Internet change not only professional opportunities, methods of calculation, storage of money resources, ways of earning. 
The form of communication, search of the second half also changes. Real life turns into virtual. And it's harder to find not just an adherent, but also love. 
Dating sites in the Internet space are trying to solve the problem of finding a companion or companion of life. But such sites are known for their inefficiency. Such portals perform the function of pandering, moreover, the selection of pairs occurs according to information that is placed on the page and often does not correspond to reality. Sometimes it's a random choice. Such pairs often disintegrate quickly. There are a few happy marriages made after acquaintance on such sites. Sometimes on such sites people become objects of illegal actions of swindlers (gigolos or marriageable aforements). 

Project Dating With Benefits

The new generation ecosystem of Dating With Benefits unites like-minded people within its functionality. Each participant has his own private office with the ability to make transactions, make profit. Since the production of such activities requires the indication of reliable data, which in turn is checked, the system can guarantee that the platform participants are real people. The face recognition module will avoid fake questionnaires and fraudulent activities.
Adult independent people can register on the Dating With Benefits website, which will indicate in the questionnaire what kind of relationship they are interested in. The system, using special analytical modules, will be able to select any participant for a pair of criteria of interest to him. The main advantage of such a platform is in the reality of registered people, the authenticity of photos and information indicated on the page. 
The system's toolkit also contains reputational information about each participant. On the public page, each user registered on the site may indicate questions of an intimate nature concerning the relations of interest to him. 
The block system of this site will provide any participant of the investment program with the safety of its funds, transparency, high speed and reliability of information and transactions and high profitability of investments.
Developers of the project to date can establish themselves as first-class specialists. To date, they have the following advantages:
- Twelve-year experience of sites in online dating.
- Popularization and scaling of the project.
- The presence of a database that includes more than six hundred thousand users.
- Increase in profitability due to increased material interest. 
- Availability of mobile application for convenience and accessibility.
The profitability of the platform will be provided by a subscriber fee for the subscription of each willing participant and a commission from each transaction. Registration on the platform is free of charge.
This project can become a revolution in the field of online dating. No other site in this area provides such services, does not provide security of this level. 

Review of ICO Dating With Benefits

BENEFIT is a token that is used as a guaranteed confirmation of the other party to display some personal data, to carry out coordinated transactions of exchanging gifts, messages and other actions. The token itself is the conclusion of a smart contract, confirmation of acquaintance. This currency will be deposited on the depositor's account.
The name of the token and its type: BENEFIT, ERC20;
Input system: Ethereum;
The cost of one token = 10,000 BENEFIT (Cost of one BENEFIT = 0.0001 ETH);
The beginning of preliminary sales of the token: May 10, 2018;
The end of preliminary sales of BENEFIT is May 31, 2018;
Launch of the public sale: May 31, 2018
Completion of the public sale - July 1, 2018;
Number of tokens: 36 000 000;
Accepted cryptographic currencies: ETH.
Software Cap: 4,000 ETH
Hard Cap: 18,000 ETH / 180,000,000 BENEFIT

Road map

January 2018 - analysis of potential traffic, development of a pontoon and multifunctional interface, creation of a test platform, its adaptation to the Blokchan system, decision-making with website design, conclusion of contracts, control, audit, legal validity and legality, system testing.
February 2018 - launch and end of pre-sales. The creation of the first couple and the beginning of the active functioning of the site in the online dating industry.
March 2018 - the first stage of activity (Beta version). Marketing in various countries of the world. Adaptation of the site to the system. Approval of the loyalty system for users and early investors.
April 2018 - market analysis and improvement of functional modules of the platform. Promoting the system, reaching 250 thousand participants by the end of 2018.
January 2019 - further analysis and improvement of the site under consideration. Marketing activities that encourage registration on the platform.
February 2019 - promotions, promotions, etc. activities, planned achievement of the number - 1 000 000 people by the end of the second quarter of 2019.
 March 2019 - a developed world dating network, a popular portal, a reliable platform. Profitable part of the crypto industry.
Summing up, it can be noted that this project can be quite popular and widespread, because those who are looking for reliable relationships in the network, for sure interested in the level of security and reliability of this project. 
Expanding the list of users of this platform will increase the amount of funds invested in the payment modules of the structure. So, the cost of tokens will grow. So investors (especially the early ones) will soon receive dividends from their investments.
This project is also of great social importance, because will resist fraudulent actions of married scammers. It can be assumed that the number of strong couples, marriages, and, hence, of happy people will increase. Such a project will contribute to strengthening general social ideas, family values, assisting in finding the right couple.


For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
Article Writer : SyiefaQhollby98
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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