Senin, 14 Mei 2018

Soundeon - Blockchain the music platform that changes everything

What That Soundeon

Soundeon is the first vertically decentralized and vertically integrated platform covering all aspects of the industry, from product creation and licensing, to markets for reselling rights to existing and future music assets, and concerts

The achievement of blocking technology allows the Soundeon platform to create CreativeSmartContract ( CSC ) ™ - the copyright agreement, which is the platform basis. The information on CSC ™'s symmetry, conservation and flexibility enhances the fairness, transparency, credibility and ease of application, which is not present in the industry today

The music industry is complicated, which makes it closed to most musicians. To achieve recognition, it is necessary to contact various music industry participants ( producers and music managers, labels, concert institutes ), who only indicate the needs of musicians.

In a world that is changing faster and faster, the old approach loses its relevance, the music industry needs new solutions that can ensure equal opportunities for all.

Soundeon ecosystem is an architectural protocol for modern media. The Soundeon platform has brought together blockbuster experts, software developers, intellectual property specialists and media executives, as well as artists known in the media industry.

Soundeon provides distribution, financing, royalty, and ticket distribution solutions using Creative Smart Contract TM, which provides transparency to track music ownership, monetize and sell tickets. By using block-based technology, artists have the right to take control of their work and even sell future royalties in micro payments to their dedicated fans

Soundeon uses a comprehensive approach to eliminating inefficient and outdated commercial practices that are bad for both players and fans, both online and offline.

Soundeon Mission
Unlock great talent and allow creators to gain more control over their work. The implementation of Soundeon's mission is possible in relation to the development of new copyright management solutions under smart contracts, which ensure fairness, transparency, and invariance of all operations undertaken and provide opportunities for closer communication between artists and enthusiasts.

Soundeon Vision
Combine the entire experience of the music industry into a full cycle solution that ensures transparency and introduces innovation to the music industry. The creation of ecosystems where success depends on the effort and talent of the creator, in which each artist can fully focus on creativity.

Soundeon expresses the principle of equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion or family background. Our social responsibility is to promote art in communities that do not have good development conditions. Soundeon distributes 10% of its revenue for charitable purposes.

Through the application of original technology - CSC, creative intelligent contract ( Creative Smart Contract ) - the Soundeon protocol solves the problems presented earlier by developing the following levels of native applications:

Music Token Sale - Ability to run your own TokenSale and raise funds from platform users. Musicians have the opportunity to perform their own TokenSale and seek funds to implement all their creative plans ( recording new music albums, filming video clips, etc. ).

Music lovers can try themselves in producer roles and support talented musicians, in the future become co-owners of music work and receive royalties from all possible sources ( concert events, public listening, streaming services, etc. ).

Soundeon Exchange - A decentralized intellectual property transfer and exchange tool, where anyone can buy and sell rights to music assets. Opportunity to create a diversified music portfolio and receive royalties from it.

With the help of Soundeon Exchange, musicians can sell the rights to music pieces to expand the ability to monetize existing music projects, and fans can form their music portfolios that are less vulnerable to market decline than traditional financial instruments and diversify from market volatility.

Soundeon Tix - Smart ticket sales platform integrated into the Soundeon ecosystem. This system is based on CreativeSmartContracts and uses dynamic QR code. This technology eliminates scalping, fraud and introducing systems in which the organizers have more control over ticket sales.

Soundeon Tix provides the opportunity to organize concerts independently and to control ticket sales using the Soundeon protocol, which uses smart contracts for the ether blockade. The use of blocking technology ensures a fair and speedy distribution of tickets, protects the event organizers from uncontrolled purchases and sales, and fans from scams and inflated prices when buying tickets in the secondary market. Musicians can take advantage of direct ticket sales on the platform, and from secondary resale, possibilities for legalization, provided in the Soundeon protocol.

Soundeon Monitor - The main idea of ​​RoyaltyMonitor is to combine data aggregation and data analysis. Artists and fans will be able to transparently track all streams of royalties and other revenue, including from ticket sales.

Musicians can register rights to music work. Aggregation in one place of all royalties is accepted both on the platform and in third-party services, with integrated in-depth data analytics technology, bringing together all aspects of the artist's creativity ( copyright and related rights, royalty collection, ticket revenue ).

Music lovers can track the performance of the music portfolio ( aggregate royalties ) and get the most reliable data that will help make the decision to buy the most interesting music assets. The data analysis mechanism will allow for analyzing fan behavior, predicting future trends, and possibly expanding the monetization channel.

Soundeon Player - Music player that uses blocking technology to share royalties in a transparent manner.

Streaming player using blocking technology to collect data transparently about the number of music playbacks. Information is entered in a directly decentralized register, which ensures its reliability. It helps to achieve a fair distribution of royalties for the benefit of all participants in the platform, and to provide the most accurate analysis.

Perpetrators can receive funds and implement their creative ideas on the platform ( recording new albums or songs, making music videos, etc ), Arranging the sales of their own music tokens.

Music fans can try themselves as music producers, invest in talented musicians and become copyright owners, and earn future income from future royalties and other revenue channels ( services for streaming music, concerts, other public appearances etc. ) Sales of Soundeon music token is a function based on Soundeon Exchange.

How it Works

Soundeon Ticket

Soundeon tickets allow players to issue tickets and control their distribution process with the help of smart contracts.
A visual constructor helps you create a program by adding songs to be executed.
Separate wallets are available for concert organizers for various expenses, facilitating payment of all necessary equipment, etc.
Soundeon reduces the risks associated with resale tickets, and ensures that the player or the right owner receives maximum revenue by allowing the audience to sell and buy tickets to the Soundeon Stock Exchange.

Token Sale Details

A special smart contract will be developed to automate the Initial Token Sale process The Initial Token Sale smart contract parameters include :

Soft - Cap : The contract will have a safety measure for contributors Should the soft seal of the notering be, Soundeon will not have the ability to access these funds. Furthermore, a full refund will be made to the contributors.
Hard - Cap : Soundeon strongly believes in efcient use of resources, hence we are against uncapped token sales. Only the amount required to reach roadmap goals should be raised. From existing case studies, we observe a harmful dynamic of uncapped projects driven by greed and facilitated by the hype.

Soundeon takes on a holistic approach to improving both existing practical deficiencies within the music and ticketing businesses as well as creating a blue ocean of music tokenization. In order to achieve this ambitious feat, Soundeon undertakes a disciplined and layered approach to its crowdsale, with uniform alignment to its realizable project development cycle. Hence, depending on the amount raised in the crowdsale, we intend to approach specific layers as outlined here :

Our Soft Cap : $ 3 million
Our Hard Cap : $ 37 million

At Soundeon we know that a great idea is just an idea without execution. This is why we are heavily product and technical development focused. Our commitment to product development led us to establish a more restrictive 10-phase budget allocation cap model :

Token Details
Ethereum Based : ERC20
Total number of chips : 1.0 Bilion (no token creation to create)
Token not sold : will be burned
Exchange rate : 0.056923 USD
Softcap : 52.7 million tokens
Hardcap : 650 million pieces

Utility Token
Effects of Bootstrap Network
Pieces of the trade artist
Shared IP properties
Pre-paid platform service
Guarantee fair play


65% of tokens sold during the token ofering will be used in product development, operations, and global marketing expansion.
14% of tokens will be held by the project founders that are making this project a reality. Founders will be reverse vested for 18 months with monthly clifs.
4% of tokes will be given to early backers - the visionaries of this project that allowed us to kickstart this endeavor. Early backers will be reverse vested for 12 months.
6% of tokens will be held by our advisors and ambassadors that helped our team with their industry-specific expertise.
3% will be intended for the bounty pool.
2% reserve fund.
6% of the tokens will be allocated for philanthropic programs promoting the arts in disadvantageous communities.

Budget allocation

Should the minimum cap of $3 million not be reached, the funds will be refunded to the contributors. In the case that the marketing phase is not reached, the roadmap will adjust accordingly to ensure platform longevity and tokenomic sustainability.

Unsold tokens will have lockdown period of one year to ensure the contributors that the Soundeon team is committed to the longevity of this media environment after which they will be used for Soundeon global marketing campaign.




For detailed information about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Website :
White Book :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Bitcointalk :
Medium :
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Telegram :

Article Author : SyifaQhollby98
BitcoinTalk :;u=1407600
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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