Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

FlyCARE - Proposes a New Model of the Home Care Services

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The personal care market segment is a strong one. Home healthcare has a multitude of actions: It requires qualified professionals, the use of specific competencies as well as adequate technical equipment. With demand for medical and well-being care services increasing worldwide, capabilities are abundant for caregivers to take advantage of customized medical innovations.
What is FlyCARE
FlyCARE is a Belgium-based foundation with a mission to improve and broaden the spectrum of home-delivered care services and well-being activities. In an effort to better address the issues and problems associated with personal care, flyCARE offers an innovative solution, a flyBOX for medical equipment.

Elements and structure of the platform

FlyCARE goes far beyond the boundaries of the platforms solely based on the vision. By contrast, flyCARE provides a technical solution, which is ready-to-use. According to the flyCARE website and white paper, a first prototype of the flyBOX, which is a mobile unit designed for the medical supplies, was designed in 2015 and became operational in 2017.
The flyCARE infrastructure is comprised of three core elements, that are (1) the flyCARE platform with a list of the services provided by professionals from various medical areas of expertise, (2) the flyCARE Appfor the purposes of payment and communication between caregivers and clients, and (3) flyBOX, medical equipment cases designed for each medical speciality.

Participants of the platform

There are three groups of users who can benefit from the platform:
1. Medical practitioners or flyPROs will be able to rent flyBOXes alongside special vehicles, totoCAREs to carry flyBOXes. While joining the platform, practitioners can start providing their services directly.
2. Patients and clients or HAPPYfly participants are users of the platform who need professional healthcare services. FlyCARE will provide its participants with the opportunity to choose any flyPRO, whose qualification and skills, as well as reputation will satisfy the needs of the client.
3. Local distributors or flyDISes are healthcare professionals or experts who are familiar with the healthcare system. FlyDISes are partners of the flyCARE and therefore will ensure the implementation of the flyBOXes.
The platform is also designed to increase a number of manufactures, who develop their businesses in the field of medical equipment or will be able to provide flyCARE with consumable material that is needed for flyBOXes.
FlyCare Official Video :

Fields of application

FlyCARE will enable the use of the existing flyBOXes within the home care segment. Thus, all caregivers, who are willing to provide medical as well as personal care assistance, will be able to implement this solution in practice. FlyCARE promises to be a truly versatile platform. And as such, it is needs-driven and respond to specific professional demands of different medical specialities. Accordingly, patients will be able to choose from a variety of services provided by caregivers. Dental services, hairdresser and personal trainer services are part of the procedures offered on the platform.

Token Sale Plan

FCC Token will be used as a means of payment for medical and rental services provided on the platform. Public ICO started on May 14, 2018 and will end on July 14, 2018 :
The core element of the project, a flyBOX represents a multifunctional medical cabinet on wheels. It is intended to provide professional medical assistance as well as personal healthcare services. FlyCARE is attempting to address two main issues associated with medical equipment transportation: First of all, the capacity to organize medical supplies, including complex facilities, such as modular compartments, and secondly, to provide an easy transportation.
While flyBOXes might become appreciably powerful and efficient tool to provide personal healthcare services, the technical part of the project, that is, agreements with material suppliers, should be clarified.
FlyCARE will create a simplified system for obtaining medical care. The goal of project developers is to simplify ways to provide services by introducing a mobile component into this system. In this way, it can really help bring health care to a new level of accessibility. In the future, this project can become an advanced project in the international market, not limited to one country
For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Article Writer : SyiefaQhollby98
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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