Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

ADVISORY NETWORK — Blockchain based Consultant Software

AdvisoryNetwork is a Blockchain Software as a Service ( BSaaS ) that provides a Business to Business to Consumer ( B2B2C ) model. AdvisoryNetwork offers connection solutions between organizations and individuals that provide advisory services for end users through voice calls and video calls. AdvisoryNetwork is Blockchain Software as a Service ( BSaaS ) that provides a Business to Business to Consumer ( B2B2C ) model, where :
AdvisoryNetwork provides software solutions for service providers and end users.
Service providers supply consultancy services to end users, they need to update their information about services, experience, advisors, and advisory rates per call minute.
End users easily find the right service provider, and know the service rate for each advisory minute before consultancy. Consultancy can be done by voice call or video call.
The Blockchain is a rapidly growing technology that is engulfing every possible business domain. Therefore, many reports published have predicted a huge rise in the Blockchain market. According to reports, the Blockchain market is expected to extend to over 20 billion dollars by 2024. It is counted in one of the most promising new technologies that are hoped to change the future of businesses and the internet.

Fundamentally the rise in cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations. One such firm at the forefront of blockchain innovation is ADVISORY NETWORK

Building a separate blockchain system is quite easy for us; however, in order the blockchain system to be stable, especially ensure security, it takes a lot of time to test and fix errors if any. Thus, we decided to use Ethereum blockchain platform, Etherem system that has proven stability and security in practice. Moreover, the difficulty of the Proof of Work ( POW ) algorithm and the Ethereum consensus algorithm helps solve the security problem well.
With traditional applications, a server is used as a back end service for front end tiers, which can easily cause denial of service attacks, security attacks. In other words, this server unintentionally becomes a single point of failure of the system.
Therefore, the Ethereum decentralized application is used to help resolve the above limitations. As a result, a backend service is deployed in the form of a smart contract running on ethereum nodes, which enables the service to run non-stopable, prevent the denial of service attacks, and ensure the sercuirty at highest level.
Implementing the backend in the form of dApp brings many benefits, but the storage and updating of data in dApp requires computation fee, which means that if the more data is stored and the more logic computation is done, the higher transaction fee is needed. Therefore, we propose a hybrid solution that combines the decentralized application and the centralized application, where:
Decentralized applicaton provides minimal service while still ensuring the system can operate without a centralized application.
Centralized application provides extended services, supports system administration, and provides additional information. When Centralized application is down, the system can still work, but the extended information will not be accessible.
Occasionally, Ethereum network is overloaded due to too large number of transactions, which results in delayed execution of StartCall method of Smart Contract. To overcome this issue, a Lighning Network protocol is used to enable transactions in the Ethereum network, thereby minimizing transaction costs.
Advisory Network Hub : The mobile/desktop app enables the end users to easily search for online advisory services, view company profile, individual adviser information and call rates per minute, and finally make a voice/video call to the adviser.
Advisory Network Management Platform: Back office system manages tenants ( organizations, individuals who want to implement online advisory services ), company profile and advisers as well as call costs.
Advisory Expert : mobile/desktop app is for service advisers to receive and answer calls from end customers.
  • Reduced cost and maximum profit which is the aim of any organisation
  • instant payment without intermediaries
  • Easy service implementation
  • Maneuverability
  • Reliability
Video Official AdvisoryNetwork :

Information TOKEN ADN and ICO
Token ADN is an ERC20 token used on the Advisory Network platform. This token will be used for service and provider fees. The ADN Token will list in the cryptocurrency exchanger and can later be sold and bought there. Total token ADN is 900,000,000 ADN tokens and will be distributed according to the diagram below :

The ADN token will be sold cheaply during the ICO. Investors also get bonuses when buying tokens during the ICO. Bonuses earned by purchase period, Here is ICO information : 
ICO Pre-Sale 

ICO Main Sale


Funds earned during the ICO period will be used to develop the proye, here are the details of the ICO fund distribution :


download (1) .png

Team Advisory Network

Advisory Network has a solid team and experienced in the field. It can be checked on LinkedIn from each team member. The following is a team from Advisory Network :

Network advisor - product demonstration

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
Article Writer : SyiefaQhollby98
ETH : 0xA58315ebeC9c0032b9cc73D326041b004E27F5D7

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